Jesus Christ, a great Vaisnava, a great yogi, an avatar.
CONSULTANT-LECTURER-MENTOR-PROFESSOR: Total Quality Management - TQM | ISO 9001 QMS | HRM-OD | Human Potential Development | Project Management Methods
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“A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it ...
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013
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Saturday, October 19, 2013
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How to get the most out of the GMO Mini-Summit. | GMO Summit
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Integral Transformation Group, Inc. (ITG-TheGroup) supports this noble initiative.
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Monday, October 14, 2013
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Our Forte, Services & Advocacy (Integral Transformation Group, Inc.)
Total Quality Management Systems, ISO standards,
Benchmarking, Six Sigma, 5S, Quality Circles,
Workplace Cooperation.
Philippine Quality Awards/Philippine Quality Challenge -
Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence
Transformative Leadership
Project Management Methods
Marketing Management and Research
Stress Management Methods; Human Potential Development (HPD),
Complimentary & Alternative Medicine (CAM),
Quality Government, Quality Education, Q-Industry, Q-Environment,
Quality of Life (QoL).
Project Feasibility Studies
Integrated HRM Systems
Integrated Area Development
Inclusive & Sustainable, Development Methods
Organic Agriculture/Farming, Permaculture Systems
Institutional Development and Management;
Cooperative Development & Management.
Strategic Quality Planning and Management.
Integrated Local Government Unit (LGU) Systems
*Property Assessment & Tax Administration System
*Business Permits & Licensing System
*Building Permits Administration System
*Motorized Tricycle Operation & Permits System
*Budget Operations System
*General Accounting and Auditing System
*Treasury Operations System
*Supply Management System
*Human Resource Management System
*Legislative Management System
*Document Tracking System
*Hospital Information System
*Computerized Environment & Land Resources System
Total Quality Management Systems, ISO standards,
Benchmarking, Six Sigma, 5S, Quality Circles,
Workplace Cooperation.
Philippine Quality Awards/Philippine Quality Challenge -
Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence
Transformative Leadership
Project Management Methods
Marketing Management and Research
Stress Management Methods; Human Potential Development (HPD),
Complimentary & Alternative Medicine (CAM),
Quality Government, Quality Education, Q-Industry, Q-Environment,
Quality of Life (QoL).
Project Feasibility Studies
Integrated HRM Systems
Integrated Area Development
Inclusive & Sustainable, Development Methods
Organic Agriculture/Farming, Permaculture Systems
Institutional Development and Management;
Cooperative Development & Management.
Strategic Quality Planning and Management.
Integrated Local Government Unit (LGU) Systems
*Property Assessment & Tax Administration System
*Business Permits & Licensing System
*Building Permits Administration System
*Motorized Tricycle Operation & Permits System
*Budget Operations System
*General Accounting and Auditing System
*Treasury Operations System
*Supply Management System
*Human Resource Management System
*Legislative Management System
*Document Tracking System
*Hospital Information System
*Computerized Environment & Land Resources System
The foundational paradox is that the "I" as spiritual person is not identical to the "I" as an individual in the world.
Life and/or the world is fundamentally comprised of the biosphere and noosphere and that the development of both should be inclusive, sustainable, humane and moral to fulfill the utmost transformation of the human family.
Growth does not trickle down, so development efforts must address human needs directly.
Development does not start with goods, it starts with people and their education, organization, and discipline.
No one policy will spur development, an integral management systems approach is needed.
Sustainable development must be socially inclusive and flexible enough to adopt to changing environment.
Man’s real nature is divine; man is basically an embodied spirit who is the servant of His Creator and steward of Mother Nature.
The aim of human life is to realize that this divinity is within us, and realize its identity with the transcendent Godhead.
All religions, though apparently separated by theological differences of creed and various dogmas are essentially or mystically the same; no one tradition or religion can claim monopoly of the Absolute Truth or God.
Development, to be authentic, must start from within hearts of men; only through a new mind can humanity remake itself and the potential for such a new mind is natural.
Integral Management System (IMS) identifies and applies key fundamentals of various sciences, arts and humanities to articulate a model of human transformation. Then, on the basis of this model a comprehensive set of modalities is developed for applying key fundamentals to holistic self-management on the basis of individual assessment which can lead to organizational, social transformation.
The essence of civilization is not in the multiplication of wants, but in the purification of the human character. Character, at the same time, is formed primarily by a man’s work, how he works, and how he values his work. Thus any work should be congruent with nature and the spirit, and it should be within all the elements of this Cornerstones of Development (CoD).
For the ultimate benefit of humanity, businesses, governments, churches and all forms of religions, being the most powerful institutions of the planet, has to adopt to a new paradigm which respects responsibility for the whole. Every decision that is made, every action that is taken, has to be viewed in the light of and in the content of that kind of responsibility, that is, to take responsibility for the whole.
The challenge is to play one's role in life as perfectly as one can, given one's station in life and its responsibilities, without mistaking one's personhood for the personality it projects. In the analogy of the theater, actors do not confuse themselves with the characters whose roles they are playing. As persons, we should not fall victim to this illusion created by wardrobe, makeup and paper mache sets either, through being overshadowed by personality and circumstances. Rather, the challenge is maintaining one's silent center while being fully involved in the dynamism of life. This is being in the world but not of it.
The natural developmental process itself leads eventually to conscious transformation. This natural unfolding can also be enhanced consciously by first appreciating its nature and structure in terms of key fundamentals and then applying these fundamentals intentionally in order to stimulate growth. Using the analogy of horticulture, this conscious and intentional management of transformation is traditionally called cultivation, the cultivation of the character and one’s soul.
Integral Transformation Group, Inc., is a transformative management group that gives organizations and its people alternative forms of managing and living life to the fullest using various Western and Eastern disciplines and concepts. Formed 1992, ITGTheGroup extends management services, education and training, and advocacy activities in the areas of: total quality management-ISO implementation, organic agriculture, cooperatives, inclusive and sustainable development, human potential development, good governance, strategic management, institutional development, among others. Starting 1998, it came to evolve into “a coalition of people and organizations committed to Goodness, Value and Quality” and is commonly called Friends of the Group (FOG).
We envision making a difference in all the things we do, teach and practice by offering the principles and concept of integral management systems the foundation of which is integral science expressed in various disciplines, methodologies, modalities and practices that offers a new perspective leading to a paradigm shift. The purpose of Integral Transformation is to assist in unfolding inherent potential, both an individual's unique capacity for self-expression and also the potential of human nature we all share, which perennial wisdom holds to be infinite spiritually. In this endeavor Integral Transformation draws on all relevant resources, seeking to integrate ancient wisdom and modern knowledge in order to promote individual growth and foster
organizational and societal change, especially ethically and spiritually.
(in’te gral) adj.
Whole; entire; complete; as in
1) Trans/Multi-cultural and cross- disciplinary studies;
2) Bridging Eastern and Western traditions of knowledge;
3) Incorporating analytical, experiential and practical ways of knowing;
4) Joining the transpersonal and spiritual dimensions of life with community service; blending of religious and spiritual values with the benefits of modern technology;
5) Harmonization of plans, processes, resource decisions, information, actions, results, and analyses to support key organization wide goals. It goes beyond alignment and is achieved when the individual components of an integrated management system operate as a fully interconnected unit within a coherent whole.
(Trans’for ma tion) n.
Transformation is, literally, a forming over, a restructuring. By transformation we speak of the transformation of people – specifically the transformation of consciousness. In this context consciousness does not mean simple waking awareness. Here it refers to the state of being conscious of one’s consciousness. You are keenly aware that you have awareness. In effect, this is a new perspective that sees other perspectives – a paradigm shift.
The mission of Integral Transformation Group, Inc., is to provide, teach, advocate and share an integral management system (IMS) that offers a holistic, coherent and integrated approach in developing people and systems as aligned to its corporate or organizational mission, vision, core values and core competencies. The IMS can be used both for personal and/or organizational transformation. Integral Transformation is a bridge discipline linking timeless wisdom with contemporary knowledge and skills. As such, it draws from the well of core spirituality, as well as from the arts, sciences and humanities. The entire range of experience and reflection, inclusive of the preconscious, subconscious, conscious, and supraconscious dimensions, is considered relevant to lifelong learning in the broadest and deepest sense of unfolding one's full potential in an integrated way.
The foundational paradox is that the "I" as spiritual person is not identical to the "I" as an individual in the world.
Life and/or the world is fundamentally comprised of the biosphere and noosphere and that the development of both should be inclusive, sustainable, humane and moral to fulfill the utmost transformation of the human family.
Growth does not trickle down, so development efforts must address human needs directly.
Development does not start with goods, it starts with people and their education, organization, and discipline.
No one policy will spur development, an integral management systems approach is needed.
Sustainable development must be socially inclusive and flexible enough to adopt to changing environment.
Man’s real nature is divine; man is basically an embodied spirit who is the servant of His Creator and steward of Mother Nature.
The aim of human life is to realize that this divinity is within us, and realize its identity with the transcendent Godhead.
All religions, though apparently separated by theological differences of creed and various dogmas are essentially or mystically the same; no one tradition or religion can claim monopoly of the Absolute Truth or God.
Development, to be authentic, must start from within hearts of men; only through a new mind can humanity remake itself and the potential for such a new mind is natural.
Integral Management System (IMS) identifies and applies key fundamentals of various sciences, arts and humanities to articulate a model of human transformation. Then, on the basis of this model a comprehensive set of modalities is developed for applying key fundamentals to holistic self-management on the basis of individual assessment which can lead to organizational, social transformation.
The essence of civilization is not in the multiplication of wants, but in the purification of the human character. Character, at the same time, is formed primarily by a man’s work, how he works, and how he values his work. Thus any work should be congruent with nature and the spirit, and it should be within all the elements of this Cornerstones of Development (CoD).
For the ultimate benefit of humanity, businesses, governments, churches and all forms of religions, being the most powerful institutions of the planet, has to adopt to a new paradigm which respects responsibility for the whole. Every decision that is made, every action that is taken, has to be viewed in the light of and in the content of that kind of responsibility, that is, to take responsibility for the whole.
The challenge is to play one's role in life as perfectly as one can, given one's station in life and its responsibilities, without mistaking one's personhood for the personality it projects. In the analogy of the theater, actors do not confuse themselves with the characters whose roles they are playing. As persons, we should not fall victim to this illusion created by wardrobe, makeup and paper mache sets either, through being overshadowed by personality and circumstances. Rather, the challenge is maintaining one's silent center while being fully involved in the dynamism of life. This is being in the world but not of it.
The natural developmental process itself leads eventually to conscious transformation. This natural unfolding can also be enhanced consciously by first appreciating its nature and structure in terms of key fundamentals and then applying these fundamentals intentionally in order to stimulate growth. Using the analogy of horticulture, this conscious and intentional management of transformation is traditionally called cultivation, the cultivation of the character and one’s soul.
Integral Transformation Group, Inc., is a transformative management group that gives organizations and its people alternative forms of managing and living life to the fullest using various Western and Eastern disciplines and concepts. Formed 1992, ITGTheGroup extends management services, education and training, and advocacy activities in the areas of: total quality management-ISO implementation, organic agriculture, cooperatives, inclusive and sustainable development, human potential development, good governance, strategic management, institutional development, among others. Starting 1998, it came to evolve into “a coalition of people and organizations committed to Goodness, Value and Quality” and is commonly called Friends of the Group (FOG).
We envision making a difference in all the things we do, teach and practice by offering the principles and concept of integral management systems the foundation of which is integral science expressed in various disciplines, methodologies, modalities and practices that offers a new perspective leading to a paradigm shift. The purpose of Integral Transformation is to assist in unfolding inherent potential, both an individual's unique capacity for self-expression and also the potential of human nature we all share, which perennial wisdom holds to be infinite spiritually. In this endeavor Integral Transformation draws on all relevant resources, seeking to integrate ancient wisdom and modern knowledge in order to promote individual growth and foster
organizational and societal change, especially ethically and spiritually.
(in’te gral) adj.
Whole; entire; complete; as in
1) Trans/Multi-cultural and cross- disciplinary studies;
2) Bridging Eastern and Western traditions of knowledge;
3) Incorporating analytical, experiential and practical ways of knowing;
4) Joining the transpersonal and spiritual dimensions of life with community service; blending of religious and spiritual values with the benefits of modern technology;
5) Harmonization of plans, processes, resource decisions, information, actions, results, and analyses to support key organization wide goals. It goes beyond alignment and is achieved when the individual components of an integrated management system operate as a fully interconnected unit within a coherent whole.
(Trans’for ma tion) n.
Transformation is, literally, a forming over, a restructuring. By transformation we speak of the transformation of people – specifically the transformation of consciousness. In this context consciousness does not mean simple waking awareness. Here it refers to the state of being conscious of one’s consciousness. You are keenly aware that you have awareness. In effect, this is a new perspective that sees other perspectives – a paradigm shift.
The mission of Integral Transformation Group, Inc., is to provide, teach, advocate and share an integral management system (IMS) that offers a holistic, coherent and integrated approach in developing people and systems as aligned to its corporate or organizational mission, vision, core values and core competencies. The IMS can be used both for personal and/or organizational transformation. Integral Transformation is a bridge discipline linking timeless wisdom with contemporary knowledge and skills. As such, it draws from the well of core spirituality, as well as from the arts, sciences and humanities. The entire range of experience and reflection, inclusive of the preconscious, subconscious, conscious, and supraconscious dimensions, is considered relevant to lifelong learning in the broadest and deepest sense of unfolding one's full potential in an integrated way.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Art of Managing—Always Be Building
Art of Managing—Always Be Building
When we build people, systems and structures, it is imperative to mold characters.
When we build people, systems and structures, it is imperative to mold characters.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
Integral Glossary
Integral Glossary
This is very useful and informative. Thanks to the people who made this happen.
This is very useful and informative. Thanks to the people who made this happen.
New UK Government Publications on an Integral Approach to Climate Change
New UK Government Publications on an Integral Approach to Climate Change
There are many lessons to be learned here.
There are many lessons to be learned here.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Baldrige Self-Assessment: Seven Ways to Get Started
Baldrige Self-Assessment: Seven Ways to Get Started
The Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence is not a cure-all thing, but it how we make best use of it, putting the values inside our heart to create a culture based on goodness, value and quality.
The Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence is not a cure-all thing, but it how we make best use of it, putting the values inside our heart to create a culture based on goodness, value and quality.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Economics for Equity and the Environment: about us
Economics for Equity and the Environment: about us
Integral Transformation Group, Inc., fully support the mission, vision and global objectives of Economics for Equity and the Environment.
Integral Transformation Group, Inc., fully support the mission, vision and global objectives of Economics for Equity and the Environment.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
What is a Carbon Footprint?
What is a Carbon Footprint?
This is now a global issue that needs everyone's attention and support.
This is now a global issue that needs everyone's attention and support.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Art of Managing—The Questions Come First
Art of Managing—The Questions Come First
To think through means to be integral in approach, meaning, check the east-west mode of thinking, refer to the harmonization of plans, processes, information, resource decisions, actions, results, and analyses to support key organization-wide goals, as aligned to the corporate vision and mission.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
IBON Foundation | Birdtalk
IBON Foundation | Birdtalk
... and the truth shall (not only) make you free, but also MAD !!!
... and the truth shall (not only) make you free, but also MAD !!!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
It’s Your Career- 6 Ideas to Help You Define Your Professional Value Proposition
It’s Your Career- 6 Ideas to Help You Define Your Professional Value Proposition
It is important to love your career, take care of it and mold it according to your vision.
It is important to love your career, take care of it and mold it according to your vision.
Monday, July 1, 2013
WOW !!! This is excellent ... fantastic, awesome.
WOW !!! This is excellent ... fantastic, awesome.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Key to Evolving Beyond Ego: How to Make the Change that Changes Everything
The Key to Evolving Beyond Ego: How to Make the Change that Changes Everything
This is highly recommended ... awesome and challenging, too!
This is highly recommended ... awesome and challenging, too!
Friday, May 31, 2013
The State of the Integral Enterprise: Part I
The State of the Integral Enterprise: Part I
This is highly recommended ....
This is highly recommended ....
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Governing American Education: The Challenge
Governing American Education: The Challenge
There are many lessons to learn from this "Challenge". Benchmarking from Governing American Education will come in handy for people involved in education.
There are many lessons to learn from this "Challenge". Benchmarking from Governing American Education will come in handy for people involved in education.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
More Businesses Pursue Triple Bottom Line for a Sustainable Economy | Vital Signs Online
More Businesses Pursue Triple Bottom Line for a Sustainable Economy | Vital Signs Online
Many more corporations are starting to practice and advocate GOODNESS-VALUE-QUALITY.
Many more corporations are starting to practice and advocate GOODNESS-VALUE-QUALITY.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Climate Change — Ceres
Climate Change — Ceres
We are all part of the causes of Climate Change, thus the solutions will come from us, too!
We are all part of the causes of Climate Change, thus the solutions will come from us, too!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION GROUP, INC.: WE COULD HAVE DONE MORE, IF NOT BETTER (Rafael Pab...: WE COULD HAVE DONE MORE, IF NOT BETTER (Rafael Pablo Molina Fernando) Our country (or the world) has never been so complex as it is right...
INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION GROUP, INC.: OF QUALITY POLICY & QUALITY OBJECTIVES (Rafael Pabl...: We all believe in quality, committed to it when we implement ISO 9001:2008 quality management system. But many managers find it...
Bet the Farm: How Food Stopped Being Food | Commonwealth Club
Bet the Farm: How Food Stopped Being Food | Commonwealth Club
It is important to realize how food should be always available to everyone, in quality and proper quantity.
It is important to realize how food should be always available to everyone, in quality and proper quantity.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Jean Michel Jarre - Waiting For Cousteau (Full Song)
I like this ... and I want to share it with friends. Thank you.
Nat Geo Wild HD - Jean-Michel Cousteau ocean adventure EN
This is a great piece of work, very noble endeavor. Let us love our only planet, our Mother Earth.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Tai chi more effective than yoga?
Tai chi more effective than yoga?
Which is more effective highly depends on the need of the student or practitioner. Both are effective in improving health -- mental and physical.
Which is more effective highly depends on the need of the student or practitioner. Both are effective in improving health -- mental and physical.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
New UK multilateral action to combat tax evasion - HM Treasury
New UK multilateral action to combat tax evasion - HM Treasury
This particular system will be a good feature for good governance and transparency. Perhaps developing countries should follow suit.
This particular system will be a good feature for good governance and transparency. Perhaps developing countries should follow suit.
SOCIETY IN BALANCE: Raison d’etre of Total Quality Management & Educare
new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying
to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family styles, changed
ways of working, loving, and living, a new economy, new political conflicts,
and beyond all this is an altered consciousness as well.”
(Alvin and Heidi Toffler)
The reason for being of total quality management is to instill balance, whether within an
organization or company, society, business industry, or even within the family
and oneself. Total quality management, being an alternative management science,
creates synergy, alignment and productivity between people and system. The logic is, before you can achieve something,
you need to have a system, and a
system is technically an orderly arrangement according to some common
The market economy is shaped
upon a material template, in which every individual is a particle interacting
with other particles out of self-interest – i.e. a trader. Here the central
operating principle is necessarily me vs.
you – i.e. competition. Capitalism and free markets reinforce this natural
order by granting traders property rights and allowing them to interact freely.
The result is a flat reality: the external, productive side of society, a
material universe ruled by the Market.
The other side of society is its natural, spiritual side, as manifested
in the culture. This is a very different template, in which the selfish
particle becomes part of a larger whole, us.
This higher sensibility dampens the potentially unlimited aggression of
pure competition and lifts the trader above the beast. He becomes a
full-fledged human being. The central operating principle of this side is moral
rather than productive – i.e. the Good. This Good expresses itself in a variety
of values, be they cultural, familial, aesthetic, institutional, or social. It
is the apex of a moral universe.
Society, at all levels –
from the individual, to the institution, to the nation – contains both of these sides, internal and
external, neither of which can exist on its own. Pure competition is anarchy
unless controlled by moral sensibility. What we experience in ourselves and our
lives is thus the critical balance between
them. Deadly philosophies arise when one side is conflated with another (e.g.
“capitalism is moral”) or confused with the larger society (“the GDP measures
the Philippines”). While a person can buy and sell, the trader in us is never a
complete person, nor is the marketplace ever a complete society.
So how should our two sides
relate to each other? For society to be healthy, the Good must clearly control
the Productive – and hence, the spiritual the material, the internal the
external, the moral the amoral, the human the animal. As long as this is the
case, society cannot be anything but
good, de facto. If the reverse is true, society is turned inside out – i.e.
corrupted. The Market rules, and amorality spreads. Society becomes tyrannized
by quantity, the measure of the material world, and by the market price.
Institutions become predatory. The social system becomes senseless and chaotic.
Life loses its meaning, purpose, and seriousness, becoming a kind of joke.
The primary cause of this
imbalance is an overemphasis on quantitative thinking, which sets the entire
material assembly line in motion, while blinding its operatives to the
qualitative side of life. Materialism follows. Materialism rests on the notion
that society only has one side – the external, material side – and hence that
all is economics, that free-market capitalism defines all reality, and that the
Market is God. The physical universe becomes the Universe itself. A deadly veil
falls, as fully half of reality is lost. Society is hammered upon the material
template, where we are all nothing but particles, in order to make it more
efficient. This cause the deepest of all possible damage: the death of the soul.
The defense against
materialism is education in all spheres: the family, the school, the religion,
the society at large. However, such efforts are destined to fail if not rooted
in an understanding of the nature of reality itself, which gives them shape and
legitimacy. The problem we are facing today is thus primarily metaphysical. We
have cut ourselves off from the truth. Beware of those who put the world in
quotation marks.
So it is education that will bring the creation
of a “society in balance.” Education
has two aspects; the first is related to external and worldly education, which
is nothing but acquiring bookish knowledge. In the modern world, we find many
well versed and highly qualified people in this aspect. Similar to the
materialism brought about by the Market, the external is given more emphasis
and is the basis of its template. The second aspect, however, of education is
spiritual in nature. The word educare comes
from the Latin word educere, which
means to bring out that which is within. Education
is related to human values which are latent in every human being. One cannot
acquire them from outside. They have to be elicited from within. Educare means
to bring out human values. To “bring out” means to translate them into action.
What we are trying to bring out which is within is our “true spiritual nature”,
our true self. Philosophically, this is the raison
d’etre of education. In the same line of thought, this is also the ultimate
aim of total quality management, a balance between system-and-people, and people
here includes the external customer of the organization (i.e. the market). Once a balance has been achieved, it is said
that you have satisfied your customer through the proper alignment and synergy of
the system and people.
Educare recognizes that life
is interdependent and that we share the same building blocks with everything
that surrounds us. This leads to the understanding that caring exclusively for
ourselves, believing we are isolated and separate is an illusion that can only lead to disaster. A classic example is how
many people are ruining their health and the physical environment through the
way they live. Wrong eating, destructive lifestyle are increasingly prevalent
in affecting health and destroying society’s moral foundation. Commerce,
business profits, and personal wealth are being pursued at costs greatly
detrimental to the environment, resulting in a negative impact on people’s
lives (e.g. higher cancer risk due to reduced ozone layer, pollution, chemicals
in the food chain, etc.).
The true purpose of education or educare
is to correct this imbalance. Educare therefore
refers to a whole system of education which provides practical knowledge for
educating for life, and not just for earning a living. It recognizes that unity
in multiplicity is the ultimate goal of education, resulting in a world which
is a better place to live in, for people today, and for future generations. In
short, transformation is the essence of educare.
Transformation is, literally, a forming over, a restructuring. By transformation we
speak of the transformation of people – specifically the transformation of consciousness. In this context consciousness does
not mean waking awareness. Here it refers to the state of being conscious of one’s consciousness. You are
keenly aware that you have awareness. In effect, this is a new perspective that
sees other perspective – a paradigm
shift. But a paradigm shift is effected only through an internal process
within a system (or person). This
so-called internal process within a
system is “institutionalization” and for a person “internalization.” This
is practically the same process called forth by educare, that is, to go through an internal process of change (internalization)
or institutionalization of a particular principle (or virtue) before one can
externally manifests it in one’s life. Under total quality management or
educare, personal and/or organizational change simultaneously happens, though
they are technically different from one another.
reap what we sow, as the saying goes.
In the same line of thought, as quality actions are repeated and
reinforced over time through management leadership, continuous employee
training and empowerment, they become internalized as quality behavior and work
values. Employees from top-to-bottom
start to understand and appreciate why they always have to do their jobs right
the first time and become personally convinced that it is good not only for
them but for the company as a whole. Our
concern for quality work is now a natural reaction because of proper work
values. Quality naturally happens at
this stage because of the rules and policies.
Employees feel obliged to do things right. At this stage (quality behavior), there is an
unconditional acceptance of norms because everyone knows that rules and norms
are there to help them do a quality job.
The paradigm shift has taken effect at this stage.
Sow a thought, you reap an
action. Sow an action, you reap a
behavior. Sow a behavior, you reap an
attitude. Sow an attitude, you reap a
personality. Sow a personality, you reap
a character. Sow a character, you reap a
A concerned motorist stops
at the red light not because of the cop’s presence, but because of his/her
concern for his/her own safety and that of others. At this stage, the employee believes in the
input-output process work relationship.
He does quality work because he believes that his output will be used as
an input of the next employee in line, thus it is very important that his work
is done in quality standard as per ISO requirement and/or the company’s total
quality management program.
It will help us to know
that quality attitude is a virtue of a person of good character, expressed
through good, proper actions and decisions.
“From good comes good, from bad comes bad”, as what Lord Buddha once
Institutionalization, then, is an
on-going process in which a set of activities, structures, and values becomes
an integral and sustainable part of a person, an organization, society or
nation. Quality Government (Q-government) is said to be a continuing
manifestation of a “balanced society” as sustained by a
“culture of quality.” Within the context of total
quality management (TQM) and educare,
a “balanced society” calls for:
Government(Q-Government) is institutionalized when total quality management (TQM) practices, concepts and methodologies are formally and
philosophically incorporated into the structure and functioning of all
government mandate and public service structures, consistently implemented, and
supported by a culture of quality, as reflected in organizational values, best
business practices and policies that advocate efficient delivery of quality
public service and ultimate protection of the citizenry.
The challenge to humanity is to adopt new
ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in
society, in short, new ways of living. And all these new ways covers the raison
d’etre of total quality management and educare.
Some organizations and practitioners of
quality management consider total quality management or TQM as a label, but
this is wrong. TQM is not a label nor a fad, it is not even a panacea or a
myth. Some call it the Third Way, not all left nor new right, but a new centre
and centre left governing philosophy for the future. Even the UNESCO’s
worldwide Outcome-Based Education or OBE system came under fire and was seen to
be a fad for those who used it, but failed in its implementation. Failure resulting
from a use of a “system” does not mean the system is deficient. It
usually means a lack of continuing “balance between system-and-people.” Many
users of TQM overlooked the fact that one good principle of TQM is “continual
change”, that is, continuous improvement.
It’s true. Below the
familiar structure of our communities, new rules and systems are paving the way
for a transformation few Filipinos dare even consider. Behind the familiar
words and seductive slogans lurk meanings, promises and visions only known in
the inner circles. Those new words and meanings are vital to the transformation
called for by TQM and/or educare. Carried by global information networks and
planted among people everywhere, strategic new terms are taking root in the public
consciousness and changing our thinking. Total Quality Management or TQM
carries words such as stakeholder,
partnerships, facilitators, continual or managed change, workforce focus,
customer intimacy, continual learning and improvement … among others. They
are becoming familiar around the world. Seemingly harmless, they provide the
“seamless” framework for managing and monitoring the global community, and most
importantly for achieving a “balanced society.”
This transformation called
for by TQM and/or educare has three major but inseparable parts:
SYSTEMS: a global network of “seamless” management
systems or organizational framework that link all the pieces and manages the
global and local transformation.
mind-changing PROCESS: a standardized but flexible process that conforms each
human resource to his or her place in this vast network of global systems.
set of universal standards that holds all people accountable, forcing them to adapt to the changing aims and needs
of the system.
Our job as advocates, practitioners
and believers of quality, value and
goodness is to help people with that change. Not to resist it, and so
suffocate opportunity. But not just to let change happen, regardless of the
consequence. We must have a global vision. Our approach, what I call integral transformation, is to manage
that process of change to extend opportunity and prosperity for all. To find a
way which provides for efficiency in the knowledge economy, and ensuring that
all souls feels its benefits. We have to humanize the new economy. By integral (adj.) it means: whole; entire;
complete; as in
and cross-disciplinary studies;
Eastern and Western traditions of knowledge;
analytical, experiential and practical ways of knowing;
Joining the
transpersonal and spiritual dimensions of life with community service; blending
of religious and spiritual values with the benefits of modern technology;
Joining the
variables and factors of development with the goals and objectives of the
organization and its people.
As TQM reaches out – far
beyond the promise of quality products or services – to manage human and social
development, this integral transformation
is almost certain to go “in the right direction.” If our national and
global managers have their way, no one will escape the never-ending
assessments, evaluations, quality internal audits, corrections and demands for
compliance with all kinds of standards. In the more intrusive systems, their
regulations will hold the minds and actions of every person accountable to
international standards for mental health, citizenship, education and service,
cooperation or compliance.
We have overlooked that
globally (and as a nation) our current situation calls for a new paradigm, a
new vision subsuming our old assumptions and values. We have failed to see
that part of the need of passing through a watershed of history is the need to
find fresh purposes. For the purposes that brought us thus far, by themselves
alone, can no longer suffice as guiding theme for our future. This is the raison
d’etre of total quality management, of educare.
Rafael Pablo
Molina Fernando is currently the Officer-in-Charge of the Total Quality
Management group of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). He is also
connected with Integral Transformation
Group, Inc., a transformative management group giving organizations and its
people alternative forms of managing and living life to the fullest. Formed
1992, ITG-TheGroup extends management
services, education & training, and advocacy activities in the areas of:
total quality management-ISO implementation, organic agriculture, cooperatives,
sustainable development, Vedic culture, good governance, strategic management
and institutional development. (May 24, 2011).
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