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Saturday, October 5, 2013


 The foundational paradox is that the "I" as spiritual person is not identical to the "I" as an individual in the world.
 Life and/or the world is fundamentally comprised of the biosphere and noosphere and that the development of both should be inclusive, sustainable, humane and moral to fulfill the utmost transformation of the human family.
 Growth does not trickle down, so development efforts must address human needs directly.
 Development does not start with goods, it starts with people and their education, organization, and discipline.
 No one policy will spur development, an integral management systems approach is needed.
 Sustainable development must be socially inclusive and flexible enough to adopt to changing environment.
 Man’s real nature is divine; man is basically an embodied spirit who is the servant of His Creator and steward of Mother Nature.
 The aim of human life is to realize that this divinity is within us, and realize its identity with the transcendent Godhead.
 All religions, though apparently separated by theological differences of creed and various dogmas are essentially or mystically the same; no one tradition or religion can claim monopoly of the Absolute Truth or God.
 Development, to be authentic, must start from within hearts of men; only through a new mind can humanity remake itself and the potential for such a new mind is natural.
 Integral Management System (IMS) identifies and applies key fundamentals of various sciences, arts and humanities to articulate a model of human transformation. Then, on the basis of this model a comprehensive set of modalities is developed for applying key fundamentals to holistic self-management on the basis of individual assessment which can lead to organizational, social transformation.
 The essence of civilization is not in the multiplication of wants, but in the purification of the human character. Character, at the same time, is formed primarily by a man’s work, how he works, and how he values his work. Thus any work should be congruent with nature and the spirit, and it should be within all the elements of this Cornerstones of Development (CoD).
 For the ultimate benefit of humanity, businesses, governments, churches and all forms of religions, being the most powerful institutions of the planet, has to adopt to a new paradigm which respects responsibility for the whole. Every decision that is made, every action that is taken, has to be viewed in the light of and in the content of that kind of responsibility, that is, to take responsibility for the whole.
 The challenge is to play one's role in life as perfectly as one can, given one's station in life and its responsibilities, without mistaking one's personhood for the personality it projects. In the analogy of the theater, actors do not confuse themselves with the characters whose roles they are playing. As persons, we should not fall victim to this illusion created by wardrobe, makeup and paper mache sets either, through being overshadowed by personality and circumstances. Rather, the challenge is maintaining one's silent center while being fully involved in the dynamism of life. This is being in the world but not of it.
 The natural developmental process itself leads eventually to conscious transformation. This natural unfolding can also be enhanced consciously by first appreciating its nature and structure in terms of key fundamentals and then applying these fundamentals intentionally in order to stimulate growth. Using the analogy of horticulture, this conscious and intentional management of transformation is traditionally called cultivation, the cultivation of the character and one’s soul.

Integral Transformation Group, Inc., is a transformative management group that gives organizations and its people alternative forms of managing and living life to the fullest using various Western and Eastern disciplines and concepts. Formed 1992, ITGTheGroup extends management services, education and training, and advocacy activities in the areas of: total quality management-ISO implementation, organic agriculture, cooperatives, inclusive and sustainable development, human potential development, good governance, strategic management, institutional development, among others. Starting 1998, it came to evolve into “a coalition of people and organizations committed to Goodness, Value and Quality” and is commonly called Friends of the Group (FOG).

We envision making a difference in all the things we do, teach and practice by offering the principles and concept of integral management systems the foundation of which is integral science expressed in various disciplines, methodologies, modalities and practices that offers a new perspective leading to a paradigm shift. The purpose of Integral Transformation is to assist in unfolding inherent potential, both an individual's unique capacity for self-expression and also the potential of human nature we all share, which perennial wisdom holds to be infinite spiritually. In this endeavor Integral Transformation draws on all relevant resources, seeking to integrate ancient wisdom and modern knowledge in order to promote individual growth and foster
organizational and societal change, especially ethically and spiritually.

(in’te gral) adj.
Whole; entire; complete; as in
1) Trans/Multi-cultural and cross- disciplinary studies;
2) Bridging Eastern and Western traditions of knowledge;
3) Incorporating analytical, experiential and practical ways of knowing;
4) Joining the transpersonal and spiritual dimensions of life with community service; blending of religious and spiritual values with the benefits of modern technology;
5) Harmonization of plans, processes, resource decisions, information, actions, results, and analyses to support key organization wide goals. It goes beyond alignment and is achieved when the individual components of an integrated management system operate as a fully interconnected unit within a coherent whole.

(Trans’for ma tion) n.
Transformation is, literally, a forming over, a restructuring. By transformation we speak of the transformation of people – specifically the transformation of consciousness. In this context consciousness does not mean simple waking awareness. Here it refers to the state of being conscious of one’s consciousness. You are keenly aware that you have awareness. In effect, this is a new perspective that sees other perspectives – a paradigm shift.

The mission of Integral Transformation Group, Inc., is to provide, teach, advocate and share an integral management system (IMS) that offers a holistic, coherent and integrated approach in developing people and systems as aligned to its corporate or organizational mission, vision, core values and core competencies. The IMS can be used both for personal and/or organizational transformation. Integral Transformation is a bridge discipline linking timeless wisdom with contemporary knowledge and skills. As such, it draws from the well of core spirituality, as well as from the arts, sciences and humanities. The entire range of experience and reflection, inclusive of the preconscious, subconscious, conscious, and supraconscious dimensions, is considered relevant to lifelong learning in the broadest and deepest sense of unfolding one's full potential in an integrated way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Our current situation — calls for a new paradigm, a new vision subsuming our old assumptions and values. It is time for someone to do for this age what previous heroes and saints did for an earlier period. We have overlooked that part of the need of passing through a watershed of history is the need to find fresh purposes. For the purposes that brought us thus far,
    by themselves alone, can no longer suffice as guiding theme for our future. This is the “raison d’ etre of Integral Transformation Group, Inc.
