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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Business Strategies : Benefits of Total Quality Management

TQM really works. It is more of a management system, rather than a one-time program. TQM is a management philosophy, a work ethic and a way of life. It was never a fad nor a program.


  1. From a historical perspective it is clear TQM evolved from several lead proponents who used various methodologies and concepts to bring about quality products. The “total quality company” exists where people want it to exist, and are willing to work together in creating it for themselves. TQM was never a one-man show, whether historically or conceptually. Total means that everyone from the President or CEO down to the lowest rank-and-file participates in quality initiatives and that it is integrated into all business functions. Quality means meeting or exceeding customer (external and internal) expectations. Management means improving and maintaining business systems and their related processes or activities. Given all these, total quality management is a philosophy, a science, a work ethic, a process, and a system. It is a continuous transformation of people and organizations. Total Quality Management is now a global necessity, an organizational imperative and a personal ethic. Its message is clear: “We are all in this together. Quality is everyone’s responsibility.”

  2. “Long-term commitment to new learning and new philosophy is required of any management that seeks transformation. The timid and the fainthearted, and the people that expect quick results, are doomed to disappointment.” (W. Edwards Deming)

  3. TQM will always be useful in whatever situation you are in. The Government should highly advocate and practice the principles of total quality management as a way of life, rather than just a mere methodology or concept.

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